

Localization of the Legal Concept of Artwork


   上海大学 法学院娱乐法研究中心,上海
* 通信作者:刘琪暄;单位:上海大学 法学院娱乐法研究中心,上海

文化法学评论, 2024, 1(1), 67-78; https://doi.org/10.12414/clr.240389
提交日期 : 2024年10月18日 / 修定日期 : 2024年11月16日 / 录用日期 : 2024年12月15日 / 出版日期 : 2024年12月26日
Abstract: With the rapid development of the art and art market in China, the study of art law is gradually emerging. However, the current legal system in China has yet to provide a clear definition of the concept of ‘artwork’. The ambiguity surrounding the legal definition of artwork could lead to disputes in the art field, hindering market regulation and healthy development. Therefore, it is necessary to localize the legal definition of artwork in line with China's national conditions. In defining this concept, it is first essential to clarify the different dimensions of the concept of artwork from the perspectives of art, law, and international standards to better understand the legal definition of artwork in the Chinese context. Second, as a cross-disciplinary concept, the localized legal definition of artwork should possess three core characteristics: relative openness, industry standardization, and Chinese characteristics. On this basis, the localized legal definition of artwork in China should adopt a unified formal and substantive standard to distinguish between artworks and non-artworks in the legal context. By further delineating the scope of the legal concept of artwork both horizontally and vertically, a uniquely Chinese legal concept and standard for artwork can be established. This will promote the development of the art law system, providing a clearer legal framework for the protection, transaction, and dissemination of artworks.
Keywords: Concept of Artworks; Art Law; Art Market; Localization of the Concept of Artworks
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