摘 要:
目的:提高医用耗材精细化管理水平,控制医用耗材费用不合理增长。方法 综合考虑医用耗材的用途、价值、属性、顺应性等因素,对医用耗材开展360度评估,并以此为基础进行耗材编码,采取分类分级管理。结果 患者耗占比降幅1.67%、平均耗材费用下降144.49元、重点监控高值耗材占比降幅5.15%。收集耗占比、平均耗材费用、重点监控高值耗材占比等数据,采用SPSS 21.0软件进行t检验和χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结论:基于360度评估的医用耗材精细化管理,建立了医用耗材分类分级管理机制,促进了医用耗材临床使用的合法、合规、合理性,控制了医疗费用不合理增长,维护人民群众健康权益。
Objective: To improve the fine management level of medical consumables and control unreasonable growth in medical consumable costs.
Methods: A comprehensive 360-degree assessment was conducted on medical consumables, considering factors such as their purpose, value, attributes, and compliance. Based on this assessment, consumable coding was implemented, and a classification and grading management system was adopted.
Results: The proportion of consumables used by patients decreased by 1.67%, the average consumable cost decreased by 144.49 yuan, and the proportion of high-value consumables under key monitoring decreased by 5.15%. Data such as consumable usage proportions, average costs, and high-value consumable proportions were collected. SPSS 21.0 software was used to perform t-tests and χ2 tests, with P<0.05 considered statistically significant. Conclusion: The fine management of medical consumables based on the 360-degree assessment established a classification and grading management mechanism, promoted the lawful, compliant, and reasonable use of medical consumables, controlled unreasonable growth in medical costs, and protected the health rights of the public.
Keywords: ----------------Medical Consumables; Fine Management; 360-Degree Assessment; Usage Proportion; Average Consumable Cost.