

2024年·卷3·期  1
2023年·卷2·期  1
2022年·卷1·期  1



Submissio: Online submission: Recommended submission method (click here to submit online). Authors can register and log in to the submission system, select the target journal, fill in the relevant content, and upload the required documents to easily complete the submission; Email submission: Please send the article to the editor's email address ---------------@163.com The email title should follow the format of "Submission Title". 


  1. 研究:报道最新原创性的研究成果。要求图文并茂、数据真实、结论可靠; 
  2. 综述:总结和整理的内容需要符合期刊主题,所引用的图和表需要得到出版方授权;
  3. 案例:报道符合主题的、具备一定创新性和引领性的案例;
  4. 评述:对本期刊或其他期刊文章的研究内容进行评论;
Accepta Arti Types: Research Article: Reporting the latest original research results. Requirements are graphic and text, real data, and reliable conclusions; Review/Mini Review: The summary and collation of the content needs to be in line with the theme of the journal, and the cited diagrams and tables need to be authorised by the publisher; Case Report: Report cases that are in line with the theme and have a certain degree of innovation and leadership; Commentary: Comment on the research content of the journal or other journal articles.


  1. 标题、作者、单位、中文摘要、关键词;
  2. 英文的标题、作者、单位、中文摘要、关键词;
  3. 如果论文受到任何基金资助,请在文章首页注明基金名称和编号;
  4. 正文;
  5. 参考文献;
  6. 投稿模板下载:澳门科学出版社论文模板.doc 
Article Writing Structure: 1Title, Authors, Units, Chinese Abstract, Keywords; 2Title, Authors, Affiliations, Chinese Abstract, Keywords in English; 3If the paper is supported by any fund, please indicate the name and number of the fund on the first page of the article; 4Main Text; 5References; 6Submission Template Download: Macao Science Publishing House Thesis Template.doc .


  1. 图片:要求图中内容和字体清晰,居中排列,图序号和标题放图下方;
  2. 表格:采用三线表,表号和标题放表上方;
Chart requirements: Pictures: The contents and fonts of the diagrams are required to be clear and centred, with the serial number and title of the diagram placed below the diagram; Tables: Use three-line tables, with the table number and title placed above the table.


  1. 中英文期刊格式:作者. 文献名. 期刊名, 出版年份,卷号(期号): 起始-截止页码.
  2. 会议论文格式:作者.文献名.会议名,出版地:出版者,出版年:起始-截止页码.
  3. 中英文学位论文格式:作者.学位论文题目.保存城市: 论文保存单位,年份.
  4. 专利文献格式:专利所有者.专利名. 专利国别:专利号,发布日期.
  5. 网络文献格式:作者.文献名.电子文献的出处或可获得地址,发表或更新日期/引用日期.
Reference Format: English and Chinese Journal Format: Author. Name of Document. Journal Name, Year of Publication, Volume (Issue): Start - End Page.; Conference Paper Format: Author. Conference Paper Format: Author(s). Conference Name, Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication: Start-Not-Finish Page Number.; Dissertation Format: Author. Dissertation title. City of Deposit: Depository of Dissertation, Year.; Patent Document Format: Patent Owner. Patent name. Patent Country: Patent No., Date of Issue.; Web Document Format: Author. Name of document. Source or Available Address of Electronic Document, Date of Publication or Update/Date of Citation.


Manuscript Processing Flow: Authors can check the latest status of manuscript processing through the submission system, and communicate with editors online and revise the contents of the submission.

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