


环球医学进展, 2022, 1(1), 20-25; DOI: 123456-123456
提交日期 : 04 Mar 2022 / 修定日期 : 10 Mar 2022 / 录用日期 : 14 Mar 2022 / 出版日期 : 17 Mar 2022

摘 要:
Objective: According to the relevant policies of the state on the registration of adopted children, citizens are required to provide paternity test certificates when applying for adoption registration. In the process of actual paternity testing, it is found that some clients have the situation of "true birth and false adoption". In order to achieve the "bad" purpose of adopting relatives' children in the name of "abandoned babies", they often hide the real situation or provide false information. In the process of identification, the expert needs to analyze carefully. If there is a contradiction with the case, the expert can further communicate with the client, and increase the detection loci or Y-STR kits if necessary to avoid falling into the "preset trap" of the client. In addition, in the construction of related systems, still need to be further strengthened and improved. Objective: According to the relevant policies of the state on the registration of adopted children, citizens are required to provide paternity test certificates when applying for adoption registration. In the process of actual paternity testing, it is found that some clients have the situation of "true birth and false adoption". In order to achieve the "bad" purpose of adopting relatives' children in the name of "abandoned babies", they often hide the real situation or provide false information. In the process of identification, the expert needs to analyze carefully. If there is a contradiction with the case, the expert can further communicate with the client, and increase the detection loci or Y-STR kits if necessary to avoid falling into the "preset trap" of the client. In addition, in the construction of related systems, still need to be further strengthened and improved.
Keywords: Forensic genetics; Paternity testing; Adoption
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参考文献 / References: 
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