

Discussing the Evolution of Cultural Jurisprudence, Temporal Dimensions, and Constructive Logic


* 通信作者:石东坡;单位:厦门行政学院 法学部,福建 厦门

文化法学评论, 2024, 1(1), 18-35; https://doi.org/10.12414/clr.240385
提交日期 : 2024年10月18日 / 修定日期 : 2024年11月27日 / 录用日期 : 2024年12月15日 / 出版日期 : 2024年12月26日
Abstract: In response to the call of the times for the legalization of the entire process of cultural practice activities,cultural law has established and gradually formed a new stage of consensus, basic discipline principles and knowledge system after advocacy and exploration. The needs and realization of Chinese modernization, cultural power, people's cultural rights and citizens' cultural rights in the new era have given cultural law specific regulations in the process of improving the legal system,so that it has a new aspect different from the past and outside the region in the logical construction of the independent knowledge system. Based on the reality of cultural resources, cultural creation, cultural services, cultural industries, cultural communication and cultural mutual learning, with cultural property rights, cultural rights, cultural responsibilities and cultural sovereignty as the basic categories, and in accordance with the logical main line formed by the whole process of cultural practice and its key links, Dialectical treatment of party regulations and state law, hard law and soft law, legal system and rule of law system, collective and individual methodology, reasonable and moderate clear discipline boundaries, determines, empowers, shapes and defines contemporary Chinese cultural law.
Keywords: Cultural Law; Cultural Rule of Law; Cultural Legal System; Modernization of Chinese Rule of Law
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