


环球医学进展, 2023, 2(1), 7-12; DOI: 123456-123456
提交日期 : 01 Mar 2023 / 修定日期 : 07 Mar 2023 / 录用日期 : 10 Mar 2023 / 出版日期 : 16 Mar 2023

摘 要:
Objectives: There are many kinds of plants containing aconitine, such as aconitine, Aconite, etc. Because of their medicinal value, plant soaking medicinal wine containing aconitine is commonly used for the treatment of rheumatic arthralgia and other diseases. However, if the dosage is not standardized or the medicinal liquor is soaked in raw materials, aconitine poisoning can easily occur after drinking, which may even be life-threatening. However, in the current literature on aconitine poisoning, most of them only have the value range of oral poisoning dose and lethal dose, and there is no uniform value range of poisoning and lethal blood concentration. This paper reports a case of aconitine poisoning and its lethal blood concentration for reference.
Keywords: Poisoning; Aconitine poisoning; Forensic identification
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参考文献 / References: 
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