Case Report



环球医学进展, 2024, 3(1), 1-4; DOI: 123456-123456
提交日期 : 26 Apr 2024 / 修定日期 : 15 May 2024 / 录用日期 : 08 Jun 2024 / 出版日期 : 12 Jun 2024



摘 要:
The onset of pharyngodynia seriously affects the quality of life of patients, especially some recurrent pharyngodynia, which is not effective by conventional drug treatment. The onset of pharyngodynia seriously affects the quality of life of patients, especially some recurrent pharyngodynia, which is not effective by conventional drug treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of sore throat has its advantages, especially in cases where anti-infective treatment has failed. Bi Liangyan director of the treatment of pharyngeal pain focus on the treatment of the disease, seeking the pathogenesis, starting from the root of the drug, medicine to the disease, so as to achieve immediate results. This article mainly summarizes the experience of treating chronic pharyngeal pain by applying "cold and heat harmonization, activating blood and qi". Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of sore throat has its advantages, especially in cases where anti-infective treatment has failed. Bi Liangyan director of the treatment of pharyngeal pain focus on the treatment of the disease, seeking the pathogenesis, starting from the root of the drug, medicine to the disease, so as to achieve immediate results. This article mainly summarizes the experience of treating chronic pharyngeal pain by applying "cold and heat harmonization, activating blood and qi".
Keywords: Sore throat; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Pathogenesis; heal
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