


* 通信作者:周巍嬿,单位:国际教练联合会(ICF),肯塔基州 列克星敦

战略实现与教练实践研究, 2025, 1(1), 26-30; https://doi.org/10.12414/rsicp.250425
提交日期 : 2024年11月20日 / 修定日期 : 2024年12月12日 / 录用日期 : 2024年12月24日 / 出版日期 : 2025年01月01日
Abstract: This article explores the emerging field of habit coaching, aiming to elucidate its concept, positioning, role in habit formation, and future development prospects. By analyzing the challenges of cultivating good habits, this article highlights the importance of habit coaches as energy and action partners, and provides a detailed introduction to their working methods. At the same time, a prospect was made for the future of habitual coaches, emphasizing their value in modern life and the new requirements for professional coaches.
Keywords: Habitual Coach; Coach Skills; Habit Formation; Psychological Factor; Physiological Factors
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