

TIE, 2024, 1(1), 2-1;



摘 要:
The design of an intelligent waste classification device aims to improve the recycling efficiency and promote the popularization of social environmental awareness. Through the innovative design of teenagers, combined with intelligent identification technology and visual guidance system, the automatic process of garbage classification is realized. This device effectively reduces the time cost of garbage disposal, improves the classification accuracy, and reduces the environmental pollution. Through the analysis of user behavior and environmental data, it is found that the device can effectively monitor the garbage disposal situation in practical application, and encourage users to actively participate in garbage classification through real-time feedback and reward mechanism. It not only simplifies the process of garbage classification, but also cultivates teenagers' sense of awareness and responsibility of environmental protection. The results show that the intelligent waste classification device has broad application prospects in improving the recycling efficiency and promoting the social environmental protection process.
Keywords: intelligent garbage classification device; recycling efficiency; youth innovation design; environmental awareness; garbage classification knowledge; intelligent identification technology; data analysis; environmental protection cause
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参考文献 / References: 
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