

TIE, 2024, 1(1), 2-1;



摘 要:
This paper designs a wearable health monitoring device suitable for their living and learning needs, aiming to monitor and improve the health level of students. The device combines health monitoring, movement tracking and daily life assistance functions, and provides users with comprehensive health management services through intelligent data processing and analysis. In design, the device is made of light and soft material, which is easy to wear and ergonomic, effectively improving user comfort and wearable experience. In terms of functions, in addition to the basic health monitoring functions, social interaction and learning assistant features are also added to improve user engagement and practicality. This paper introduces the overall architecture and hardware design scheme of the device, analyzes the implementation logic and user interface design of the software system in detail, and finally gives some preliminary results of the user experience test. Through continuous optimization and improvement, we believe that this health assistant device can effectively enhance students' health awareness and quality of life, and provide effective support and help for their learning and growth.
Keywords: wearable health monitoring equipment; students; health assistant; health management; data monitoring; health habits; health awareness; quality of life
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