

TIE, 2024, 1(1), 2-1;



摘 要:
This paper introduces the design and implementation process of a simple intelligent home system. The system is based on the Internet of Things technology, combined with sensors and controllers, to realize the automatic control function of smart home. Through the detailed design of the system architecture and each module, the remote monitoring and control of the home equipment are realized. In the process of system implementation, a variety of technical means are used to make the device network and data interaction. Through the collection and processing of the sensor data, the real-time monitoring and intelligent control of the home environment are realized. At the same time, the system also has the function of timing task and scene mode, providing users with personalized home experience. In the system test stage, the stability and reliability of the system are verified, meeting the basic needs of users for smart home. The research of this paper can provide some reference and reference value for the design and realization of intelligent home system.
Keywords: smart home system; innovation journey; Internet of Things technology; comfort; convenience; intelligent; technology development; human-computer interaction technology; energy saving management
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