
产后抑郁影响因素与护理对策研究进展(Research Progress on Factors Influencing Postpartum Depression and Nursing Strategies)


精准护理学研究, 2023, 1(1), 0-0; DOI: 123456-123456
提交日期 : 2023年09月04日 / 修定日期 : 2023年09月07日 / 录用日期 : 2023年09月11日 / 出版日期 : 2023年09月15日

摘 要:
By analyzing the physiological and psychological literature on postpartum depression at home and abroad, and based on bio-psycho-social models, the pathogenesis of postpartum depression was comprehensively studied, and then the influencing factors of postpartum depression were summarized. In terms of nursing strategies, evidence-based nursing, elder support and emphasis on male participation, improved maternal and infant separation and midwife training and other effective strategies to prevent and improve postpartum depression were summarized, which provided reference for promoting the physical and mental health of mothers and infants.
Keywords: Postpartum depression; Influencing factors; Nursing care countermeasures
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参考文献 / References: 
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