

Reconstruction and Strategies of Educational System from the Perspective of Lifelong Learning Theory

* 通信作者:杨肖龙,单位:阿斯顿大学,伯明翰
教育理论探索, 2024, 1(1), 20-23;
提交日期 : 2024年07月27日 / 修定日期 : 2024年07月29日 / 录用日期 : 2024年07月29日 / 出版日期 : 2024年08月07日


摘 要:
With the rapid acceleration of knowledge updates, lifelong learning has become a core element of personal career development and societal progress. Traditional education systems often focus on delivering fixed knowledge within a short period, which struggles to meet the rapidly changing demands of society. This paper, from the perspective of lifelong learning theory, explores the reconstruction and strategies of the education system. It first analyzes the fundamental concepts of lifelong learning theory and its impact on the education system, then discusses the existing problems in the current education system, and proposes reconstruction strategies based on lifelong learning theory. By combining theory with practice, this paper aims to provide new ideas and methods for educational reform, with the goal of enhancing the adaptability and effectiveness of the education system.
Keywords: Lifelong Learning; Education System; Reconstruction Strategy; Educational Reform; Learning Society
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参考文献 / References: 
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