

Practical Exploration of Elementary School Mathematics Curriculum Reform under the Guidance of Constructivism Education Theory

* 通信作者:李秀梦,单位:藤县潭津中心校,广西梧州
教育理论探索, 2024, 1(1), 2-5;
提交日期 : 2024年07月28日 / 修定日期 : 2024年07月29日 / 录用日期 : 2024年07月29日 / 出版日期 : 2024年08月07日


摘 要:
This paper aims to explore the application and exploration of constructivism educational theory in the practice of primary school mathematics curriculum reform. Constructivism educational theory emphasizes student-centeredness, focuses on students' subjectivity and initiative, and advocates the construction of knowledge through students' practical activities. By analyzing the existing problems in the current primary school mathematics curriculum and combining the core viewpoints of constructivism educational theory, this study proposes a series of reform measures and conducts practical exploration in actual teaching. The research results show that the reform of primary school mathematics curriculum under the guidance of constructivism educational theory can effectively improve students' interest in learning, autonomous learning ability, and mathematical thinking ability, which has positive significance for promoting the overall development of students.
Keywords: Constructivism educational theory; Primary school mathematics; Curriculum reform; Practical exploration
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参考文献 / References: 
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