

Research progress on rhizobia and their symbiotic mechanism with plants

作者:黄飞奕1,李小龙1, *

贺州学院 食品与生物工程学院,广西 贺州,542899
通信作者:李小龙,单位:贺州学院 食品与生物工程学院,广西 贺州,542899

现代精准农业快报, 2023, 1(1), 24-23;
Abstract: This report discusses the research progress of the symbiosis mechanism between rhizobia and plants. The report elaborates on the definition, classification, and biological characteristics of rhizobia, as well as the discovery of their symbiotic relationship with legumes, symbiotic signaling, infection processes, nodule formation, nitrogen fixation, environmental adaptability, and their potential for sustainable agricultural development. To explore the environmental adaptability of rhizobia symbiosis system, and how to improve crop yield and quality by inoculating rhizobia and promote the health and stability of agroecosystems, the aim is to enhance people's understanding of rhizobia and expand the horizon of rhizobia research and application.
Keywords: Rhizobia; Symbiosis; Nitrogen Fixation
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