

Research on Reliability and Scalability of Cloud Storage Systems

* 通信作者:罗刚,单位:九江职业技术学院,江西九江
计算机应用快报, 2024, 1(1), 20-23;
提交日期 : 2024年07月27日 / 修定日期 : 2024年07月29日 / 录用日期 : 2024年07月29日 / 出版日期 : 2024年08月07日


关键词: 云存储系统;可靠性;可扩展性;数据冗余;数据一致性;负载均衡
With the rapid development of information technology, cloud storage systems have become a significant support in the era of big data, and their reliability and scalability have become research hotspots. Cloud storage systems not only provide efficient and flexible storage solutions but also face challenges such as massive data processing and high concurrent access. This paper deeply explores the basic architecture and working principles of cloud storage systems, focusing on the analysis of key factors affecting their reliability and scalability, and proposes corresponding optimization strategies. By comparing the differences between traditional storage systems and cloud storage systems, it reveals the advantages and challenges of cloud storage systems in data processing, storage management, fault tolerance mechanisms, and other aspects. Furthermore, this paper investigates critical technologies such as data redundancy, data consistency, and load balancing in cloud storage systems, and how these technologies can be used to improve system reliability and scalability. Finally, combined with practical cases, the application prospects of cloud storage systems are discussed, providing theoretical references and practical guidance for the further optimization and development of cloud storage systems.
Keywords: Cloud storage systems; Reliability; Scalability; Data redundancy; Data consistency; Load balancing
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参考文献 / References:
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