Research Articles


ETI, 2024, 1(1), 0-0;



摘 要:
This paper explores the flight control and image transmission technology of adolescent self-made UAV, studies the flight principle and control method of UAV, and proposes a control technology based on image transmission. Using the advanced flight control system and sensor technology, the stable flight and accurate control are realized. At the same time, through the image transmission technology, the perception and recognition of the surrounding environment are realized, which provides an important guarantee for the flight safety of the UAV. In the experimental verification part, many flight experiments were conducted by building the experimental platform, which verified the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed flight control and image transmission technology. The research results of this paper are of great significance for promoting the understanding and learning of UAV technology, and also providing new technical support for the application of UAV in various fields.
Keywords: youth self-made UAV; flight control; image transmission technology; attitude control; PID controller; wireless transmission; flight stability; image transmission quality
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