Research Articles


ETI, 2024, 1(1), 0-0;



摘 要:
This paper designs and realizes a kind of intelligent environmentally friendly trash can, aiming to solve the problem of future urban cleaning. The trash can has intelligent perception, automatic classification, automatic compression and other functions, which can effectively improve the efficiency of garbage treatment and environmental protection level. Through the application of intelligent sensors and communication modules, the real-time monitoring and remote control of the trash can are realized, which provides a new solution for the urban environmental sanitation management. The paper also conducted the field test and the effect evaluation of the trash can, which proved its good practicability and feasibility. In general, the design and realization of intelligent and environmentally friendly trash cans has brought new choices for future urban cleaning, and is expected to play an important role in environmental protection and resource recovery.
Keywords: intelligent and environmentally friendly trash can; design and implementation; future city cleaning; garbage classification; intelligent induction; cleaning device; garbage compression; resource recovery
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